So, yet a new system in place. If I keep tweaking, perhaps God will lead
me there. Or, perhaps He'll just lead me to relying on Him.
This one has me doing important things every ten minutes. I can substitute or skip, so long as I give the most important tasks due course. I noted yesterday evening (the 24th) that I wanted to do things that I would look back on with joy...that I would be fine with others saying after I'm gone...she was about "_____."
Then I have things to break up the hard and heavy so that I can relax and reset. So far, I'm liking the system, even though I'm not really one of those types, or so I've been saying much of m life. Who knows.
Today, I got up and let the dog out (random memory of the first time I heard "Who Let the Dogs Out" I think in high school). I had Ramen and something else for lunch which did not agree with me later. I don't remember much about the morning except cleaning out the car and missing church. I watched a podcast from my church later in the evening.
I went to Brian's to pick him up for the ride to Southport. He took a little while so I did my best to be civil (still angry from the night before about some issues) and I basically putzed around. We went to Bakehouse because I thought I would take a cheesecake (I didn't think about calling or finding out things in advance, so I'd have to purchase something instead of self-baking), but, "No way, Ted!" Good cheesecake isn't $36 difficult to make taste like heaven on a bad day.
We were going to stop by Walmart where I would have spent a lot less, but Brian thought Meijer would be better so we went there. Still too expensive for my taste, but I found some things on sale that I was willing to suck up and pay. Unfortunately, we had a run-in with the self-check and the lady who said we had to do everything online. Forget that. I paid full price *blush* and took the stuff and put it down to lack of preparation and partially lack of sticking to my guns.
We had a lovely time at the Thanksgiving feast. I did okay chopping the ham in thin slices.I heard some very interesting stories at the table from the girls and Beth. I enjoyed eating the Skittles and the White Choco Mint M&Ms while waiting for the rest of dinner graciously supplied for and by Chris-boy.
Brian dropped me back at his house and I came back and walked the dog around 8 PM. I did not end going out shopping. I instead worked on the new system and tested it a bit. I also finagled with my Mr. Coffee, who wouldn't give me my hot cocoa! I guess it can get too solid. I'll have to make sure to test it and see whether I really need it since coffee, drank on a regular basis, keeps me up nights. I really like it for entertaining, though. Meh. Time for more paper and bed.
This one has me doing important things every ten minutes. I can substitute or skip, so long as I give the most important tasks due course. I noted yesterday evening (the 24th) that I wanted to do things that I would look back on with joy...that I would be fine with others saying after I'm gone...she was about "_____."
Then I have things to break up the hard and heavy so that I can relax and reset. So far, I'm liking the system, even though I'm not really one of those types, or so I've been saying much of m life. Who knows.
Today, I got up and let the dog out (random memory of the first time I heard "Who Let the Dogs Out" I think in high school). I had Ramen and something else for lunch which did not agree with me later. I don't remember much about the morning except cleaning out the car and missing church. I watched a podcast from my church later in the evening.
I went to Brian's to pick him up for the ride to Southport. He took a little while so I did my best to be civil (still angry from the night before about some issues) and I basically putzed around. We went to Bakehouse because I thought I would take a cheesecake (I didn't think about calling or finding out things in advance, so I'd have to purchase something instead of self-baking), but, "No way, Ted!" Good cheesecake isn't $36 difficult to make taste like heaven on a bad day.
We were going to stop by Walmart where I would have spent a lot less, but Brian thought Meijer would be better so we went there. Still too expensive for my taste, but I found some things on sale that I was willing to suck up and pay. Unfortunately, we had a run-in with the self-check and the lady who said we had to do everything online. Forget that. I paid full price *blush* and took the stuff and put it down to lack of preparation and partially lack of sticking to my guns.
We had a lovely time at the Thanksgiving feast. I did okay chopping the ham in thin slices.I heard some very interesting stories at the table from the girls and Beth. I enjoyed eating the Skittles and the White Choco Mint M&Ms while waiting for the rest of dinner graciously supplied for and by Chris-boy.
Brian dropped me back at his house and I came back and walked the dog around 8 PM. I did not end going out shopping. I instead worked on the new system and tested it a bit. I also finagled with my Mr. Coffee, who wouldn't give me my hot cocoa! I guess it can get too solid. I'll have to make sure to test it and see whether I really need it since coffee, drank on a regular basis, keeps me up nights. I really like it for entertaining, though. Meh. Time for more paper and bed.