So, yet a new system in place. If I keep tweaking, perhaps God will lead me there. Or, perhaps He'll just lead me to relying on Him.

This one has me doing important things every ten minutes. I can substitute or skip, so long as I give the most important tasks due course. I noted yesterday evening (the 24th) that I wanted to do things that I would look back on with joy...that I would be fine with others saying after I'm gone...she was about "_____."

Then I have things to break up the hard and heavy so that I can relax and reset. So far, I'm liking the system, even though I'm not really one of those types, or so I've been saying much of m life. Who knows.

Today, I got up and let the dog out (random memory of the first time I heard "Who Let the Dogs Out" I think in high school). I had Ramen and something else for lunch which did not agree with me later. I don't remember much about the morning except cleaning out the car and missing church. I watched a podcast from my church later in the evening.

I went to Brian's to pick him up for the ride to Southport. He took a little while so I did my best to be civil (still angry from the night before about some issues) and I basically putzed around. We went to Bakehouse because I thought I would take a cheesecake (I didn't think about calling or finding out things in advance, so I'd have to purchase something instead of self-baking), but, "No way, Ted!" Good cheesecake isn't $36 difficult to make taste like heaven on a bad day.

We were going to stop by Walmart where I would have spent a lot less, but Brian thought Meijer would be better so we went there. Still too expensive for my taste, but I found some things on sale that I was willing to suck up and pay. Unfortunately, we had a run-in with the self-check and the lady who said we had to do everything online. Forget that. I paid full price *blush* and took the stuff and put it down to lack of preparation and partially lack of sticking to my guns.

We had a lovely time at the Thanksgiving feast. I did okay chopping the ham in thin slices.I heard some very interesting stories at the table from the girls and Beth. I enjoyed eating the Skittles and the White Choco Mint M&Ms while waiting for the rest of dinner graciously supplied for and by Chris-boy.

Brian dropped me back at his house and I came back and walked the dog around 8 PM. I did not end going out shopping. I instead worked on the new system and tested it a bit. I also finagled with my Mr. Coffee, who wouldn't give me my hot cocoa! I guess it can get too solid. I'll have to make sure to test it and see whether I really need it since coffee, drank on a regular basis, keeps me up nights. I really like it for entertaining, though. Meh. Time for more paper and bed.
I'm going to have to become a "night-before" girl again. I realize that I don't leave myself enough time to get going in the morning. It's easier if I can just jump out of bed into the shower and clothes, read my Bible study, and hit the door, ready-to-go.

The day has been fine so far. I listened to Family Bible Church-Eustis, FL's pastor Allen Speegle give his farewell message in lieu of being so impossibly late to my own church. While I firmly believe that one should attend church whenever the doors are open as time permits (and my church makes those times few enough to carry out God's purposes outside the doors as well) to fellowship and really receive from God, there are times when God calls us to other things. I really got many things out of Pastor Speegle's message:

not what you do but WHO you trust
because if we boast in it, who are we being like? WHO is not LORD of our lives and who is?
young upscale older downscale
second time today-don't please others, please God and loved ones
invest in your relationships
people bring the real you out
live for your intended purpose
course laid out by God
don't know turns ahead
challenge: live for your purpose
1 cor 12:7-8 each given something to do that shows what God is; the variety is wonderful
God has more answers than you have questions
clean hush puppies
to God your issues are not
2 cor 5:13-14 Christ crazy, serious for people
spaces in the house-relax, read, cook, etc.
some children don't care where you're going when you put them in the car-they know mom and dad are going to take them to a good place
stop from pursuing passion
be careful that you don't forget the GOD that got you there
stop making excuses
stir up the gifts! inner and from others
my party dress
plan party

Please forgive the cut&paste/adhd nature of these notes.

Afterward, I had my dad's and my fave Lipton chicken soup packet for my throat which feels darling now and ready to sing, and I took Mary for a walk in the park. We got caught in the rain. Big, splashy droplets. Love it!
When I gave up superstition as a "thing" (more recent than I'd like to admit)

Motown-class, feeling when you hear the words

Interesting talk with tutor

Chess, teaching Carmen, gazpacho, law class with roomie, law class with Peanuthead, chess with different people, helping roomie study torts as she ran on the treadmill at our complex

The four people moving in and voiding the complex's contract making us even

The first birthday greeting I saw this month was from AirTran. :) It's cute.

The Official Album of the Walt Disney Resort?! Yes!! Still remember horror of some at "It's a Small World." Really?

Eric and my day versus Branden's

I need to get Branden's address.
Gonna try to get my 750 words here as well as store my 1467 or whatever for NANO because this is the logged in account. In other news...

Things I found of interest in Sun-Times snippets:

248: [The number of Americans who signed up for healthcare in the first two days of availability of Obamacare....] (I am not promising to look further into these issues as I have so many other things on my plate, but you should! (If you have the time I'm looking for ;)).

 The idea that the farmers' market is the last place people do not stand around staring down at their phones (changing with upcoming apps).


Going to Dave's-after the movie-nice house and roomies, first discussion of sevens in the Bible and literal interpretations and Judaism's approach and depth, Phish, family motorcycle visit, watching the meteor shower, mahjongg, the loft.

Can I have a word count function, please?

According to Word (I know I have to use a different one for NANO because they count words differently), above is only 155 words. *pout* ;)



